Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Am A Horrible Blogger.....I Know..

It has come to my attention that I suck at keeping a blog updated, I apologize to anyone who actually looks at this thing. I have been without internet and busy working, that's my excuse. Here in Oklahoma we have had a devil of a winter, it's been very cold and the snow keeps coming. I had the wonderful experience of photographing the weather and it's affect on the things outside. I also got my best friend and her brother to help me out and play in it. All of this helped me to get some great "Winter Wonderland" photos. There will be more to come and I'm looking forward to spring. In my photos I hoped to bring out the obvious cold weather, and I tried to do an editorial style. My models helped a great deal. I never take full credit for my photos, the people & objects in them help bring out the best. Well enjoy and give me some feedback. Stay warm.

Miss Givens

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