Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Missing Florida Already...

Well, I'm back from a wonderful trip to Clearwater, Florida. I was welcomed home by thirty degree weather and snow, but I'm grateful I was able to get away for awhile. I had so much fun and the weather was beautiful. I have devoted myself to this photography project, so as promised I came back with some pictures. My friend took me to the beach on a clear, windy, sunny day and it was the perfect scene for photo taking. The birds were agreeable to letting me take some shots of them. Then I was walking along and spotted surfers, about three, and started to photograph them. It's amazing to me that I can capture a picture without any cooperation from the objects I photograph. I had no control of the weather, the ocean, or the surfers and yet some of my photos come across as though I set it all up. I'll have a korny moment here and say that things can be in their most beautiful state when they are left alone and natural. I can't take all the credit, nature is beautiful itself, and I had a new friend show me the proper way to use the settings on my camera, so now the quality looks ten times better. In my photos I wanted you to see the beach the way that I was seeing it that day....relaxed and effortless.

Miss Givens

1 comment:

  1. The 5th one down, the birds, is my favorite!
